Most drivers get into their vehicles and head out to work, school, or shopping fully anticipating a safe arrival. However, that is not always the case. Statistics provided by the Texas DOT show that in 2019, 3,610 people were killed and there were 256,338 persons injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes with 15,843 of them sustaining a serious injury. There were no deathless days on Texas roadways in 2019.
It is probable that you or someone you know has been involved in an accident while operating an automobile, motorcycle, truck, or even while riding a bicycle. In Texas, some people are compensated through insurance payouts. However, many people who have been injured do not know how to effectively deal with insurance and get compensation. If you have been involved in any kind of motor vehicle accident, you may have questions about receiving compensation for your injuries.
Call our office to speak to a lawyer about your case or to schedule an appointment.